MAY 2021
Week 1: Part 1: Discussion.
- How was your spring break / your Easter holiday?
- Weekly questions (date, weather, time)
Part 2: Irregular verbs quiz and check.
irregular-verbs-quizPart 3: We have had a lot of holidays recently. Now is a good time to review topics from past lessons. This will be different in each class: preterite, modals, parts of the body, etc…).
Homework: Irregular verbs: sleep / slept / slept ; speak / spoke / spoken
Week 2: Talk and walk
Week 3: Verb review + Introduce past continuous.
Review the verb tenses we learned this year: present simple, present continuous, past simple.
Today we will learn a new verb tense: past continuous.
- Declarative sentence: Subject + was/were + V-ing
- Negation: Subject + was not / wasn’t / were not / weren’t + V-ing
- Question: (Question word) + Was/Were + Subject + V-ing
Function: a long or continued action in the past, often interrupted by another past event.
APRIL 2021
WEEK1 : Listen to travel stories.
Check -ED pronunciation. Introduction to past continuous.
Airport vocabulary.
MARCH 2021 :
WEEK4 : Modes of transportation.
Past -ED: what are the 3 pronunciations of the suffix -ED?
Homework: mark the pronunciation of each regular verb in the travel story you wrote.
WEEK3 : TALK & WALK OR Exercises with prepositions of place.
Read or listen to a text about the « Upside Down House » and describe a picture. The upside-down house is a popular attraction in many cities. Have you ever visited one? What attractions do you visit when you travel?
Homework: Irregular verbs: say / said / said and see / saw / seen AND ?
WEEK2 : Presentations and discussions of famous homes. Review house and home vocabulary.
Grammar point: Prepositions of place
– Under/below
– Over/above
– On
– In
– Behind
– In front of
– Next to
– Between
– Opposite
Monday 6:30PM Homework: Study the words on this list for next time. Irregular verbs: read / read / read (remember pronunciation change!) and run / run / run.
Wednesday 4:30PM Homework: Describe a room in your house. Say where objects are located using prepositions of place. Irregular verbs: pay / paid / paid and put / put / put
For extra practice check out this webpage with a list of prepositions, example sentences and exercises:
WEEK 3 : Home/house vocabulary (3)
Buckingham Palace listening:
Numbers / Dates review.
Homework: describe a famous home. When was it built? Who lives there? How many rooms does it have? Etc.
WEEK2 : Go over homework – Mr. Bean video. Advice about home improvement.
Add to house/home vocabulary.
More practice with modals.
Homework: irregular verbs
– make/ made / made
– meet / met / met
WEEK1 : Vocabulary about houses
Match the list of words with the correct room of the house. Rooms: Bedroom; Bathroom; Kitchen; Living Room
Word List: Sink, Bathtub, Shower curtain, Stove, Cupboard / Cabinet, Oven, Nightstand, Closet, Bed, Armchair, Coffee Table, Footrest
Video Clip: Mr. Bean’s Home Improvements
Which rooms do you see in the clip?
What do you see in each room?
How is Mr. Bean trying to improve his home?
Discussion: Have you ever made home improvements?
– Irregular Verbs:
o let / let / let
o lose / lost / lost
– More practice with modal verbs of obligation and advice (should, must, have to, ought to): Give Mr. Bean advice for his home improvements.
WEEK4 : « TALK AND WALK » Or « Body Parts »
Pop quiz : translate the sentences : j’ai mal à la hanche- j’ai mal à la cheville- j’ai mal à la gorge- j’ai mal au coude.
Discuss homework: common cold remedies
Grammar point: modal verbs- should / shouldn’t- ought to / ought not to- must / mustn’t- have to / don’t have toHealth advice role play.
Homework: – Irregular verbs: leave / left / leftlend / lent / lent
Extra practice:
WEEK3 : Review body parts vocabulary + add new words
New grammar / vocab: complaining to the doctor
Did you know there are 4 ways to say « j’ai mal » in English?
– I have a head ache
– My back hurts
– I have shoulder pain
– I have a sore throat
Practice making sentences with other parts of the body.
Other useful vocabulary: – to cough- to sneeze- I have a cold- I’m tired- I have a fever / a temperature
Listening practice:
Homework:- What should you do when you have a cold? Irregular verbs: keep / kept / keptknow / knew / known
Week2 : Go over homework: « New Year’s Resolutions »
Grammar point: Possession review.
– Review « parts of the body » vocabulary
– Irregular verbs:
go / went / gone
hear / heard / heard
Links to exercises for more practice:
Parts of the body vocabulary:
Week1 : Article (LEVEL 4) « New Year’s Resolutions Difficult to Keep »
(click on the link : you can listen at different speeds and read the article again)
Common new year’s resolutions are about health, money, food, friends, hobbies and the world. We make resolutions to quit, change, or start something. For example:
– save money
– quit a bad habit
– get fit
– lose weight
Homework: What are your new year’s resolutions? Make a list.
Irregular Verbs:
Get – Got – Got
Give – Gave – Given
WEEK 1: What’s your comfort food?
Optional document: comfort foods around the world.
Vocabulary review: types of meals, describing food.
Homework: describe your comfort food. Share a recipe if you want.
WEEK 2: Countable vs Uncountable nouns. Some, a/an, any.
Homework: What’s in your fridge?
WEEK 3: Quantities – much vs many. How much / how many? Too much / too many. Not much / not many. A little / a lot. Enough.
Homework: give advice about eating healthy.
WEEK 4: Kitchen tips from chefs around the world.
Kitchen items vocabulary.

DECEMBER: Holidays and celebrations
WEEK 1: Christmas vocabulary + True/false quiz.
Grammar: Talking about plans using BE + V-ing.
Homework: what are you doing for the holidays?
WEEK 2: “All I want for Christmas is you” gap fill. Talk about projects: Christmas songs and advent calendar.
WEEK2 : Talk about holiday traditions.
BE + V-ing for plans vs for present actions.
Christmas songs vs Christmas carols.
Choice of song or carol:
« Happy Xmas War is over » by John Lennon; « Twelve Days of Christmas »; « All I want for Christmas is you »
Homework: What are your plans for this holiday season? Use BE + V-ing.
Suggest a Christmas song or carol to listen to next week.
More resources:
Christmas songs, lyrics and exercises :