writing a story

Adults’ story

Started on Monday, April the 20th

The title : we don’t know yet

« Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there lived a group of amazing people.
Each one of these people had a special power.
Close to their village there was a magic waterfall where lived a very old and wiseman.
This man had the special gift of being able to travel to different places in an instant.

His name was Brian. Brian had a son, Peter, who could read people’s minds as his great-great-grandmother did long, long ago.« 

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Kids’ story

Started on Monday, April the 20th

The title : we don’t know yet

« Once upon a time, there was a green rabbit. Her name was Nina. She had 6 friends: 

a black cat, a green dog, a blue shark, a purple wolf, a yellow tiger, and a blue lion.

One day, the animals had lunch in the forest. They ate pasta, pizza, hamburgers, more hamburgers, even more hamburgers, fruit and chocolate cake!!! »

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Teens’ story

Started on Tuesday, April the 21st

The title : we don’t know yet

« This story is about five girls who study at Gallagher Elite High School of Music in London. Gallagher is unlike other schools in the region. The Principal rules very strictly and always ensures that the uniform looks perfect.« 

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